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What is the Content Safety Area?

Bleed is printing that goes beyond the edge of where the badge will be trimmed. In other words, the bleed is the area that could be trimmed off. 

Inside the editor you will see a grey dotted line like this: 

The area inside the grey dotted line is considered the safe area. Anything outside it could be trimmed off, so never put any text or important information outside the dotted line. 

Background and bleed.

In order to achieve a beautiful bleed effect in badges that have an edge to edge background, make sure the image or background covers the entire canvas or white space, like this: 

As you can see the blue background covers the entire badge canvas and no white space is seen near the edges.

Example of badly designed badge:

There are three problems here:

1. The company name will get cropped at the bottom.

2. The upper part of the QR code will get cropped as well.

3. There will be a white line on the right side of the badge, because even if the background is outside the bleed safety area it is not extended all the way to the edge.

NOTE: For the moment we only offer bleed for the Printed Badges.

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